Where to go from Cancun for 1 day - 15 most interesting places


Coming to rest in Mexico, tourists often choose Cancun. Everyone can choose according to their taste.

Remnants of the Mayan civilization, picturesque towns associated with the names of conquistadors, nature reserves, amazing amusement parks ... You can go there and back in one day. Whether you prefer to hit the road in a rented car, buy a local bus ticket, or get a sightseeing tour is not so important. The main thing is not to miss this amazing opportunity. So, where to go from Cancun in 1 day on your own?

Chichen Itza

One of the main cultural attractions of the Yucatan Peninsula, the remains of a holy city. Chichen Itza is included in the list - "Seven new wonders of the world." The oldest buildings that can be seen here were erected by the Maya Indians around the 7th century BC. At 10, the city was captured by the Toltecs, and a century later, it became the capital of their state. Gold and obsidian mining, trade, and the development of handicrafts - all this determined the important economic role of this center.

Then the troops of neighboring city-states ravaged Chichen Itza, killed or captured its defenders. When the Spanish conquerors came here at 16, the city was empty, but the Maya Indians settled not far from it, since they considered this place sacred. The Spaniards treated the Maya Indians barbarously - they destroyed cultural monuments, dealt with the clergy. But something survived.

Today, tourists can see here several temples, an observatory, playgrounds for playing ball, ruins of colonnades, a sacred well for sacrifices, statues of deities, ornaments made by the skillful hands of ancient artists. All this is very picturesque and impressive.


Here, too, everything breathes history. The city was founded in the middle of the 16th century, it got its name in honor of the Spanish city, in those years the former capital. Francisco de Montejo, who founded Valladolid, set himself the goal of consolidating Spanish rule over these lands.

At first, the city was located closer to the coast, but there the Spaniards were bothered by mosquitoes, which spread dangerous diseases in these places. Therefore, Valladolid was moved further. The Spaniards dismantled the ancient buildings once erected by the Maya Indians (their city Zasi was located here, which means "white hawk") and built houses in their national style. The Indians rebelled more than once, but the Spanish troops suppressed their resistance.

The Mayans had no civil rights - their lands were seized by new owners - Europeans. In the middle of the 19th century, a riot broke out here, which turned into an uprising. The colonialists had to temporarily leave the city, later the Mayan rebels were driven out by government troops. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was in Valladolid that the revolutionary movement was born. Guests of the city will be interested in seeing the old cathedral, museums, and sitting in local cafes.


This trip can be recommended for those who like active rest. There is a bus from Cancun here, the journey takes about three hours. There are some tips to give. It is better to leave early - it is worth remembering about the local heat, and there will be much less tourists at an early hour. Clothes and shoes should be comfortable - you will have to walk a lot. Don't forget the mosquito cream - the area is full of blood-sucking insects. Food and especially water will not be superfluous either - you may not be able to buy them on the spot, there are very few outlets here.
Upon arrival, it is best to rent a bike or use a pedicab. This way you can get from one cultural site to another without getting too tired. But on the territory where the historical monuments are located, you will have to walk on foot. In total, such a walk will take four hours. The most convenient way is to book a tour in Russian. An experienced guide will not let you get lost in the jungle and warn against swimming in the lakes - there are crocodiles in them.

The oldest city of Koba was formed, probably in the 4th century BC. It was a religious and cultural center in which up to 50 thousand people could live. There are many mysteries associated with the city. For example, a network of roads was laid here, although the Indians did not have carriages on wheels. Perhaps these roads, the length of which is very long, were used by an even more ancient people. You can visit the Koba complex from 8 am to 7 pm, but in the evening hours the entrance is more expensive (the ruins look more impressive with sunset lighting).

For those who arrived by their own transport, there is a parking lot. Climb the Nooch Mul pyramid. Its height is 42 m. The steps - and there are 120 of them - have been restored, but the ascent is still difficult. But you will have a wonderful panorama - endless jungle and archaeological sites. Of interest are the ball court, ancient steles, and other pyramids, the height of which is lower than that of Nooch Mul. You can only look at them from the side, since the restoration of the steps has not been carried out here, and the ascent is very dangerous.


A very interesting place is the city that was founded by the Maya Indians. By all indications, he was of great importance. It used to be called Sama - "City of Dawn". Tulum means wall. In the documents of Europeans, the city begins to be mentioned since the 16th century. Historians have concluded that Tulum was abandoned when the Spaniards came to these lands. The architecture here is typical of the Maya. Stairs lead to residential buildings. Narrow doors, columns, stucco moldings, altars at the back walls - this is how houses were built in Chechen-Itza. The Indians attached great importance to the strengthening of the city.

On the one hand, there was natural protection - the sea and steep cliffs, on the other, the Maya erected a stunning wall - its length is 400 m, the height reaches 5 m, and the thickness of the walls is 8 m. There were also watchtowers. A natural well - a cenote - supplied the inhabitants with drinking water. Arriving in Tulum, you should visit the Temple of Frescoes, look at the statues and murals, visit the Castillo fortress, which served not only as a sanctuary, but also as a lighthouse, and admire the numerous artifacts that testify to the extremely important significance of this city.


It is the first city built by the Spaniards on the Yucatan Peninsula. The ruins of an ancient Mayan settlement that once stood on this site reminded the colonialists of the remains of a Roman fortress in Merida. Therefore, they named the new settlement after the Spanish city. Going here, you need to take into account that Merida lies in the valley, and it is almost always very hot here. So take care of a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen.

It's nice to walk here. Narrow picturesque streets, green parks, houses painted white - Merida is even called the "white city". There are also enough old buildings built in the 16-18 centuries. Noteworthy are the cathedral and churches, the monastery and the museum, where many exhibits are kept telling about the life of the Indians. Merida is surrounded by coarse-fiber agave plantations, naturally, the textile industry is developed in the city. There is also a university here. It is difficult to get lost here. The rectangular network of streets will allow you to navigate easily.

Tourists should come to Merida on Sundays. The roads are closed for transport, the holiday begins. Here and there you can meet local folklore groups, whose members sing and dance wonderfully. And at the Government building there is a ceremony that makes you remember the Maya Indians. Merida is also interesting because the UN Convention against Corruption was signed here in 2003.


A real paradise for those who love nature. In translation, the name sounds like "Place of turtles". The cleanest water and sand, the rich world of the sea depths, the opportunity to swim next to the turtles - that's what awaits you here. Once there was a coconut plantation. Then these lands were bought by Pablo Bush Romero, and in fact created a resort here. Tourists from different countries began to visit Akumel, although at that time it was possible to get here only by sea.

There are almost never storms here, and the sand is silky and white. Therefore, many tourists prefer to come here, and not to the resorts of Cuba. And you will also see the statue of Gonzalo Hererro here. In the 16th century, this Spaniard became a prisoner of the Indians, but found a common language with them, accepted the Mayan faith, married the chief's daughter and began to rule the tribe's warriors. There are indeed a lot of turtles in the vicinity. From April to October, they go ashore to lay their eggs. But, of course, the most exciting thing is to observe them in the water.

Diving here is very interesting. A coral reef, the second largest in the world, a huge number of colorful fish, rays and turtles - all this makes a huge impression. You can buy a diving tour, order a fishing trip. Lovers of solitude can relax in one of the lagoons, where the water is crystal clear, and there are practically no people around. If you would like to stay here for a few days, there are many hotels around, from modest to luxurious.

Shel Ha Park

Another place where you can enjoy nature and have fun. It is customary to come here with the whole family, as children will not be bored here either. There was once a Mayan city in this lagoon. According to scientists, the leaders loved to spend their free time here. Indeed, the place is beautiful. The park is located at a distance of a little over 100 km. You can come here by bus or taxi, or you can purchase a guided tour, during which the guide will tell you a lot of interesting things.

What to do in the park? First of all, admire this amazing place. There are magnificent beaches with white clean sand, the water is warm and clear. There are no big waves. You can sunbathe or just take an air bath under a canopy. Diving enthusiasts will appreciate the rich underwater world. There are also picturesque caves with beautiful stalactites and stalagmites. You can swim and dive in the karst lakes - here, by the way, are found rare representatives of the animal world.

The most daring tourists can jump off the cliffs. By the way, rescuers are watching over the safety of vacationers. But there are other entertainments as well. For example, there is a dolphinarium here. You can not only watch the show, but also feed the dolphins and swim with them. A huge number of attractions work, excursions to the jungle are organized. There is a special area for little vacationers where it will be fun to play with new friends. There are cafes and restaurants on site. If you plan to spend the whole day in the park, it is best to buy an all-inclusive ticket.

Park Xcaret

This park is a large cultural and entertainment center. It includes a nature reserve, tropical zone, coral reef, underground tunnels and more. There is just a lot of entertainment here, and the great work of the organizers should be noted. Each tourist quickly finds what is interesting to him, no one interferes with each other. The most convenient way to get here is by ordering a tour. You will be picked up from your hotel and brought back in the evening, in addition, a buffet is included in the ticket price.

You can also get to the park by bus or taxi and buy an entrance ticket yourself. Although the park is the creation of human hands, everything is arranged here so that you will feel like you are in a natural environment. Numerous backwaters with turquoise water, and are drawn to plunge; in the tropical vegetation, you can find the remains of ancient buildings. And what an exciting adventure will be a trip on a raft along an underground river.

Many animals can be found in the park - from jaguars and crocodiles to graceful tropical butterflies. It is best to come here in the morning and stay until the evening to watch vibrant concert programs. Children will be fascinated by the numerous attractions. You can see the dolphin show, swim with them and take pictures. Very gullible and pink flamingos - they take food from their hands.

The multicolored macaw parrots sit on their shoulders. And for diving, you will be given special oxygen helmets. Corals and beautiful fish will be very close. Usually tourists spend the day like this - they swim and sunbathe, visit cafes, ride attractions, admire animals, visit the Mayan village and get acquainted with the life of the Indians. In the evening, guests can enjoy a variety of performances, including dancing with fire.

Rio lagartos

One of the best nature reserves in Mexico is located at a fairly large distance from Cancun - about 250 km. You can get there by bus or taxi, but it is most convenient to buy a Russian-language excursion, since on the spot you may encounter language problems - most of the local population speaks only Spanish. In addition, the guide will take care of renting a motor boat in advance, and without it you will not see even half of the beauty of the reserve.

After all, its very name is translated as "River of Crocodiles". It is these huge reptiles that make up, in the first place, the glory of Rio Lagartos. If you still set off without a guide, hire someone from the local fishermen to take you along the river. They know places where you can always see crocodiles. Under the guidance of an experienced mentor, it is allowed to feed them - it is not recommended to do this on your own. The reserve is famous for its flamingos.

These birds are not as trusting here as in parks, so they will not let people close to them. But you can admire and photograph them. Other rare bird species also live here. Pelicans and eagles, storks and cormorants - many of the birds are not shy at all, and you can get close to them. The Pink Lakes are also very beautiful, having such a color due to the numerous microorganisms that live here.

You can't swim, but the photos are amazing. The plant for the extraction of salt, which is used not only for cooking, but also for treatment, also makes an impression. By the way, the Maya Indians began to mine salt in these places.


The city, which once belonged to the Maya Indians, is located not far from Valladolid. It was founded in the 3rd century BC, and was deserted after the arrival of the conquistadors. Its original name is Talol. To date, 45 buildings have survived. Big Acropolis - its length reaches 146 m

Tourists admire the Oval Palace, inspect the ball game stadium, pyramids, stele, arch, wall painting - it is a real work of art. The Maya portrayed people and animals in an amazingly realistic way. Of particular interest are images of gods and mystical creatures.

Island of Women

This little trip will bring you a lot of fun. The island is located at a distance of 10 km from Cancun. You can get to it in different ways. The most popular is the ferry. An option is to order a motor boat or a yacht trip. The island itself is small. It is about 8 km long and 3 km wide. The most suitable part for recreation is the north-western part. There are great beaches here. And on the opposite side there are picturesque rocks, but the bottom is rocky. The island has hotels and modest hostels, shops and cafes serving mostly seafood.

Once upon a time, the Mayan Indians lived on the island. There are many statues left from that era; you can also see religious buildings. The Spanish conquerors met here a people with a high level of culture. They named this place the Island of Women, having seen here many female statues - for example, the goddess of Fertility.The underwater world is also rich in the area of ​​the island. There is a coral reef nearby, which means that while diving you can see its many inhabitants.


One of the largest islands in Mexico - 16 km wide and 3 times longer, separated from the mainland by a narrow strait. The distance from Cancun to Cozumel is about 60 km. There are many rare plants and animals on the island that are found only here. To learn more about them, it is advisable to purchase an excursion right on the spot. The guide will draw your attention to the endemics. Once upon a time only Maya Indians lived here. When the Spanish conquerors landed here in the 16th century, they began to overthrow the Indian idols and tried to convert the locals to Christianity.

Today Cozumel is a popular resort. It is especially appreciated by diving enthusiasts. There is a rich underwater world, clean and warm water. Diving equipment can always be rented on site. It will also not be a problem to order sea fishing. Of course, service is developed on the big island. Everything is at your service - from hotels and shops to cafes and entertainment centers.


If you are interested in Mayan culture, you should definitely visit Uxmal. This city is located not far from Merida. Scientists say that "usmal" in the language of the Indians means "three times." Perhaps this is due to the fact that so many times this city came to desolation, and then rebuilt from the ruins. According to the most common version, Uxmal was founded in the 11th century.

The city quickly became a major political and cultural center. About 25 thousand people lived here. In the future, the Indians constantly waged internecine wars, Uxmal was captured by representatives of different tribes. And when the Spaniards came here, the city was almost destroyed. But still, a lot has come down to our days. The beautiful building of the Ruler's Palace has survived, where you can see sculptures and mosaics.

The oval pyramid rises to a height of 38 m, here, at the top, there is a temple. You can also see other pyramids, a complex called a "nunnery" and much more. Unfortunately, the bacteria colonies that inhabit the ancient buildings have started the erosion process.


Celestun is a small town founded in the early 18th century on the site of an Indian fishing village. Later, reservoirs appeared here, intended for the extraction of sea salt. But the locals have not abandoned their traditional crafts - they fish and also breed poultry. But the main thing that this place is famous for is the nature reserve, which is located about a quarter of an hour drive from Celestun. It was here that ecological tourism began to develop.

Numerous tourists come here to look at the inhabitants of the reserve. Beautiful virgin forests and lakes are home to thousands of wildlife. Here you can see pelicans, rare species of storks, crocodiles. But the pride of the reserve is flamingos. Guests watch how they fly, how to fish, walk in formation, and capture other moments in the life of these beautiful birds.

Playa del Carmen

Once there was a staging post for Indians heading to the island of Cozumel. Then - a small fishing village. And finally, a resort with a population of over 100 thousand people. The city is located nearby - so it's worth a visit, you may enjoy it just as much. Excellent beaches, deep blue water, ferry connections to the island of Cozumel, an abundance of hotels and shops - all this will only delight tourists.

So, it has its own Fifth Avenue, along which it is pleasant to walk, sit in the local cafes, and buy souvenirs. Nearby there is a biosphere reserve and a system of underground rivers. In short, while vacationing in Cancun, you can afford to make the most interesting day trips.

The itinerary of the trip from Cancun for 1 day on the map


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