20 most beautiful places in Abkhazia


Every year more and more tourists come to Abkhazia. "Country of the Soul" attracts guests with its fertile climate, picturesque nature, and numerous attractions. And there is also very tasty cuisine and hospitable people who will gladly show you the most beautiful places in Abkhazia. You can visit them both on your own and by purchasing an appropriate excursion. The main thing is to understand in advance what you want to see. Gather information about local lakes and waterfalls, temples and museums, parks and fortresses. And good luck.

Lake Ritsa

Ritsa is rightfully one of the attractions not only of Abkhazia, but of the whole world. This wonder of the world was mapped relatively recently - only in the middle of the 19th century. And already in the twentieth century, this picturesque place became a popular tourist attraction. Residents, as well as tourists from other countries, are happy to rest here and leave with the intention of returning again.

The crystal clear lake is located among high mountains covered with snow-white "caps". The depth of Ritsa reaches 150 m, so you can often meet scuba divers here. The flora and fauna of the lake is unusually rich: microscopic algae, various types of fish.

Two rivers flow here, so the water takes on different shades. In spring and sultry summer, it becomes emerald, but in winter and autumn it strikes with its blue. And although the depth of this lake is quite large, in summer its surface warms up well - about 20 ° C.

The most extraordinary phenomenon is a thunderstorm over the lake. It seems that the clouds are about to touch the water surface. Legends are made about this place, songs are sung, poems are composed, and, of course, you will meet artists here. The beauty of nature becomes a source of inspiration for creative people, it is forever imprinted not only in the memory, but also in the heart.

New Athos monastery

Another attraction is the New Athos Monastery. It was founded about 150 years ago by monks who came from Old Athos. The temple was named after one of the closest disciples of Christ - Simon Zealot. This apostle began to be called the Canaanite, because, according to legend, it was his marriage that the Lord visited in Cana of Galilee and performed his first miracle.

Simon the Canaanite is especially revered in the country, because it was in these places that the apostle once preached. The construction of the monastery began in the 19th century. The precondition for the construction of New Athos was the fact that at this time the Greek clergy wished to make Old Athos their residence. Russian monks had to leave the monastery.

Then the abbot Macarius turned to the emperor for help. And Tsar Alexander III allocated a plot of land near the Black Sea for the construction of New Athos. In addition, the inhabitants of the monastery received the right to fish. The construction of the monastery was completed in 1900. Many believers from different cities gathered for the consecration of the monastery.

Like many churches, New Athos was closed at the beginning of the twentieth century and only in 1994 was it returned to believers again. Since then, the monastery has been open to pilgrims; it has become the spiritual center of the Caucasus.

New Athos cave

It is located next to the New Athos Monastery. Excursions began in the twentieth century. The length is quite long - almost 2 km. The cave is divided into 8 large rooms, each of which has its own characteristics. The temperature here does not exceed 11 ° C, so it is better to dress warmly. Excursion groups get to the depths of the cave by train.

As a rule, there are always a lot of tourists in the summer. Then a late excursion can be arranged for travelers. But the best thing is to plan your time correctly, buy tickets in advance and go on a trip during the day. At the height of the tourist season, visitors are welcomed every day. If you come here in late autumn, winter or early spring, you can only get on the excursion in the middle of the week or on weekends.

Each hall has its own name ("Anakopia", "Makhadzhirov", "Ayuhaa", "Apsny", "Apkhyartsa", etc.) and each is unique in its own way. Here you will find lakes, stone waterfalls, and various minerals, and sometimes concerts with Abkhaz folk music and dances are held in the Apkhyarts hall.

Each of the visitors can take photographs of these halls, see bizarre minerals and, of course, learn the history of this natural attraction.

Ritsa relict national park

The most popular place in the country is the Ritsa National Park. There are many lakes, rivers, waterfalls, mineral springs. Here is also Stalin's dacha. The best way to visit the park is by off-road vehicle or as part of an excursion, since public transport does not go here. Previously, there was a nature reserve here. The park was created in order to preserve the natural resources of the country.

You can get there on your own, but you need to take into account that you will have to pay a symbolic amount for the entrance. There are discounts for teenagers, and children under 8 years old can visit the park for free, but, of course, accompanied by adults.

Blue Lake

Located in Ritsinsky Park. This reservoir can be seen in the legendary film "Sannikov Land". Local residents make up legends about him. So, it is believed that the water in it has a rejuvenating power, and many travelers try to wash with it. But there are practically no people who want to plunge - the water does not warm up above 10 ° C even in summer.

In winter, this miracle of nature is practically not covered with ice. The sources of water that feed the lake are an underground river, as well as rains. The lake "gives" surplus to the nearest river Bzyb. The reservoir has a bright blue color due to the fact that there are deposits of lapis lazuli. From here the lake got its name.

Although the water here is crystal clear, due to its great depth and small diameter, the sun's rays do not reach the bottom. This gives the impression that the water is cloudy. Neither fish nor plants live in it, and because of this, the lake is often called "dead".

If you are coming here for the first time, it is best to take an excursion to these places - so you will not only admire the local area, but also learn a lot about the relic park.

Gega waterfall

The unique waterfall is located near the resort town of Gagra. It differs from others in that water flows from the middle of the rock, and does not fall off a cliff. The source of this wonderful natural phenomenon is the Gega River, in honor of which the waterfall got its name. The fact is that the stream of water enters the cave.

Then it goes underground, and then it makes its way through a crack in the rock, forming a beautiful waterfall. Its height is 70 m. Nearby, in the rock, there is a grotto formed by the same stream. All comers can collect clean tasty water here. It is best to get to this miracle of nature on your own SUV, or together with a tourist group.

This amazing place has not been spared by Russian cinema either. It was here that some episodes from the series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson" were filmed. Visiting these places will not leave anyone indifferent.

Yupsharsky canyon

Formed as a result of a major earthquake. Here flows the Yupshara River, which flows out of the magnificent Lake Ritsa. This relatively small mountain river has a bluish tint, it is clean, and many travelers take water from here.

Local residents gave the canyon its name - "Stone bag". This name was not chosen by chance. This picturesque corner of nature has a rather long length - 8 km, and the height of the rocks reaches 400 m. So travelers see only a narrow strip of sky. Twilight and coolness reign here.

Indeed, it seems that you are in a bag "woven" of mountains and plants. Many tourists are breathtaking when they come to the place called "Yupsharsky gate". Here it seems that the tops of the rocks, like the doors of a gate, have practically closed, leaving only a gap.

A little further there is a beautiful waterfall with the unusual name "Men's Tears". It is worth looking at the "Stone of Kisses" - a bizarre piece of rock. It is best to go here on an excursion - then you will hear many beautiful legends about these places, learn the history of the region.

Anakopia fortress

The fortress is located on the top of the Iverskaya mountain. Climbing up, you will see a majestic fortress wall, a stone well, two ancient temples, a chapel from the 19th century, and a watchtower. An amazing view opens up from here.

The name of the fortress from the Abkhaz language is translated as “cut”, and the Greeks respectfully called it “Trachea”, which in Greek means “severely stony”. Previously, the citadel more than once repelled the raids of enemies who wanted to seize the lands that served as a trade route.

This fortress was founded in the 5th century AD, when the Muslims tried to conquer the Abkhaz territories. It was then that stone walls began to be erected to repel enemy attacks. In the 6th century A.D. era the Arabs have repeatedly tried to conquer the citadel, but it remained impregnable. In memory of these battles, a temple was founded here in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Subsequently, the fortress was badly damaged, and only in the 19th century, under the Russian protectorate, the restoration of Anakopia began. The monks of the New Athos Monastery put a lot of work into the improvement. They laid a stone road here, built a small chapel, and to make it easier to get there, the brethren built a cable car here. For many years, tourists have been studying this architectural monument with interest.

Lake Mzy

This glacial lake is striking in its beauty. It is located at an altitude of about 2000 m above sea level. Secondly, it is the largest lake in the country. And thirdly, the coldest. The water temperature here does not exceed 4 ° C, and snow is adjacent to the lake even in hot summers. Therefore, it is best to come here for an excursion in July and August.

The air at this time is filled with the aromas of local herbs, it is fresh and clean. You can get to Mza on your own, and best of all - as part of an excursion group. Tourists begin their journey from Student Glade. And then you need to go along a wide path, the length of which is 7 km. You cannot drive here by car.

On the way, you will stop many times to take photos - the nature here is amazing. The easiest way is to go to the lake on a horse - so you can, without haste, admire the mountainous terrain, visit the coniferous forests, the horse will carry you through the meadows covered with bright green succulent grass. Since the path to the lake is on foot, only small groups of tourists go hiking, but it is definitely worth a visit.

Abaata fortress

This place has an ancient history. The first fortress was erected here at the end of the 4th century - the Abkhaz defended themselves from the raids of the Circassians. In the 16th century, a Genoese settlement appeared here. In the 19th century, the Russians took over the land. Cannons were placed in the fortress. Later, the Orthodox Church wanted to convert the citadel into a men's monastery, but then the construction of the Gagra resort began.

The defensive structures began to be demolished, and a hotel was built in their place. Today you can see a park, a hotel, a temple, a museum - in a word, a whole complex. Church of St. Hypatia is small, but tourists are attracted by the fact that it was erected in the 6-8 centuries. Consists of three rooms. During the years of Soviet power, the Museum of Weapons was located here. Since 2012, the temple again belongs to the Orthodox Church of Abkhazia.

The hotel occupies 3 buildings, recently it was reconstructed. The restaurant located on the territory of the complex is also popular. It is located inside an old fortress wall, and here the spirit of the past centuries has been fully preserved. Guests are served national dishes, artists perform in the evenings, music sounds.

It will be interesting to visit the local history museum - the exhibits will allow you to get acquainted with the history of these places. And around is a beautiful park with a fountain and a recreation area.



Restaurant, outdoor pool, fitness center

Castle of the Prince of Oldenburg

One of the main attractions of Gagra. Its owner was a representative of the princely family, was the grandson of the great Emperor Paul I. Alexander Petrovich Oldenburgsky founded a resort in this city, built a castle. The construction of this architectural structure was completed at the beginning of the twentieth century.

The architect chose a new style for that time - modern. Then a beautiful park appeared next to the castle, with trees and bushes, seedlings were brought from different parts of the earth. During the Soviet era, the castle became a sanatorium. After the collapse of the Soviet regime, it was abandoned. The Georgian-Abkhaz conflict caused great damage to the structure. Now the castle is in disrepair - dilapidated, it needs restoration.

Until recently, the entrance was open for visitors, for a symbolic fee, people were allowed into the territory of the castle. However, now the building can only be admired from afar - work is underway to restore it.

Milky Falls

Locals consider it one of the most beautiful and mysterious. It got such an unusual name due to the white color of the water. One gets the impression that a fabulous milk river flows along the slopes of the mountain. Underground springs enrich the water with minerals.

When falling, the waterfall boils, foams, acquires a milky hue. The cold, crystal-clear water is quite drinkable. Moreover, there is an opinion among local residents that it helps to preserve youth, so many use it for cosmetic purposes. In the midst of a sunny hot day, you can often see tourists walking under the jets of a healing spring.

Young couples often come here. And this is no coincidence, in Abkhazia Molochny is called the "Waterfall of all lovers". According to legend, he helped a girl who could not get married for a long time to find family happiness.

Gagra colonnade

In the center of Old Gagra, not far from the Garpish restaurant, there is the famous Gagra Colonnade. Travelers will be able to see it immediately after crossing the Abkhaz border. It took 2 years to build the colonnade. It was built after the Great Patriotic War, in conditions of acute shortage, when the country was just beginning to recover from the devastation.

Despite the fact that the war has already ended, the number of columns reminds us of this tragic date. There are 45 of them in total, which corresponds to the last two digits of the end of the Second World War. For us, descendants, the colonnade has become a symbol reminding us of the terrible bloody years. The Moorish style of the building amazes tourists with its sophistication and luxury. The colonnade became known all over the world thanks to the film "Winter Evening in Gagra".

In the center of the square there is a fountain in the shape of a white dove. For many, the bird has become the personification of peace on Earth. Together with the colonnade, the fountain forms a single ensemble. There is an old cinema nearby. Now it is in a dilapidated state, only spiral staircases and large sculptures of lions remind of its former splendor.

Mount Mamdzishkha

Located near the city of Gagra. It is adjoined by the ridge of the same name, along which you can go down to the famous Blue Lake. Now tourists can get to the top of the mountain thanks to the road designed by Joseph Maruashvili. During the Soviet years, it was covered with asphalt. It was also planned to open a ski resort at the top of the mountain, with a cable car.

On the way up there are observation platforms where tired travelers can take a break. A beautiful view of the Black Sea opens from here.Mamzishka is of great strategic importance for the country. Two roads running along this mountain connect the republic with Russia.

The vegetation here is rather sparse - only grass. This is due to the fact that strong winds are constantly blowing here. For eight months the mountain is covered with snow. Tourists can enjoy horseback riding. At the top of the mountain, local shepherds treat travelers with delicious tea and Alpine cheese. And you can go down by paragliding.

Besletsky bridge

A very interesting place to go for a picnic. There are several attractions here. First of all, the Besletsky bridge deserves attention. According to scientists, it was erected approximately in the XI-XII centuries and is an architectural monument of the Georgian kingdom. Locals associate it with the name of Queen Tamara - they say she passed here.

In the first half of the 20th century, an inscription in the Old Georgian language was found on the side of one of the slabs. The bridge is 5 m wide and 35 m long. According to legend, not only stone and sand, but also chicken eggs were used in the construction.

The bridge can withstand a weight of up to 8 tons, but only pedestrians can cross the historic structure. On the other side of the Basla River, cars travel across a modern bridge located nearby. People, on the other hand, should be cautious. The Beslet bridge is not equipped with railings, and the stone slabs are smooth and rather slippery.

Once upon a time important trade routes lay here, and the river overflowed, and for several months a year it was very difficult to cross it. Therefore, the initiators of the construction of the bridge were merchants. Nearby are the remains of a tower that once played a defensive role. You can also see the hermit's cave nearby. It is not guarded, so daredevils can spend the night in it.

Maiden's Tears Waterfall

There are various legends about its origin. They have one thing in common. The beauty died because of the evil forces wishing to separate her from her lover. The Maiden's Tears waterfall belongs to the sliding ones - the water flows down the stones, and does not fall off them.

It becomes full only during the snow melting period, when the “tears” are so abundant that outwardly they resemble the strings of musical instruments. In dry months, the waterfall is almost invisible due to the surrounding vegetation. Rather, attention is attracted by a huge number of colored ribbons - guests tie them here "for good luck."

This tradition has its roots - before travelers, passing here, made an offering to the mountain spirit. It is believed that the water taken from here can help in the treatment of many diseases, and for girls who have not yet found a betrothed, it bestows a kind husband.

Arriving at the waterfall, you can not only admire it and take a picture next to the "Maiden's Tears", but also buy souvenirs. Usually this place is visited during excursions that include sightseeing of many attractions.

Waterfall Men's Tears

Another picturesque waterfall that you will definitely see if you go to Lake Ritsa. Its height is not so great - only 11 m. But the noise of the jets crashing against the stone bowl attracts attention from afar.

You can climb to a special platform - the waterfall is especially clearly visible from it. Many tourists take water with them. It is especially impressive during the rainy season, as well as in the spring when the snow melts. Souvenirs and ribbons are sold nearby, which are supposed to be tied next to the waterfall, making a wish. Also Abkhazians sell honey, nuts, fruits here.

According to the legend, lovers lived in these parts - Amra and Adgur. The girl had a wonderful voice, but a jealous nymph threw her off a cliff. Then the God of Water turned the dying beauty into one waterfall, and her inconsolable groom into another. Their waters merge in the Bzyb River. God wrapped the nymph in a stone. Waterfalls are especially lovely for lovers - young men and women come here to ask for help from higher powers.

Sukhumi Botanical Garden

A real wonder of the world, where everyone will be interested. And for those who love plants, and those who like to take beautiful pictures, and for everyone who wants to celebrate any event in an environment reminiscent of a piece of paradise. You can come here all year round. But it should be remembered that in winter, the Sukhumi Botanical Garden closes at 15:00, and in summer it is open until 21:00.

The garden was laid in the first half of the 19th century by the doctor Bagrinovsky. The plants planted here have taken root well, and soon this place fell in love with the local nobility. In addition, the soldiers who tended the plantings were happy to eat ripe fruits and vegetables.

As a result of military conflicts with the Turks (19th century) and Georgians (late 20th century), many trees and bushes were killed or damaged. Today the Sukhumi Botanical Garden is getting prettier, many new plantings have appeared here. Scientists from the Academy of Sciences of Abkhazia are watching their growth and development.

The garden covers an area of ​​about 30 hectares. A local attraction is the linden, which is more than 200 years old, and the sequoia also attracts attention - this tree can live for several millennia, and reach 100 m in height.You can visit the garden and walk along its paths on your own or as part of an excursion.

Seaside park

Founded at the beginning of the 20th century, the architect was E. Shervinsky. The development of the park took about 10 years, and it took a lot of effort, since trees and shrubs did not take root well on the swampy lands. Many plantings appeared here already in the Soviet period.

During the Georgian-Abkhaz war, the complex was badly damaged, its restoration began already in the 21st century. Today, over 400 species of trees and shrubs can be seen here. There are local plants, there are those brought from Europe, Asia, South America. Children will be interested in the candy tree, the flowers of which emit a very pleasant smell.

There is a colonnade nearby, where tourists like to take pictures. It is also worth seeing the system of reservoirs. Goldfish live in the ponds, guests can also admire the beautiful swans. There are benches nearby, you can sit down and relax. Tourists are interested in the abandoned cable car, they stand for a long time near the "Strelets" fountain. The Sundial also attracts attention.

There are many sculptures in the Seaside Park, one of the most interesting is Medea. The Queen of Colchis is depicted as a young girl sitting on the ground. The author's name is not known for certain; according to one version, he is Tsereteli.

Khashupsinsky canyon

We are talking about the Khashupsa river canyon. This is one of the popular attractions. The gorge stretches for about a kilometer and is a rather narrow crevice. There are pebbles at the bottom. The water is cold, shallow here. Therefore, most of the tourists who come here try to walk the gorge from the beginning to the very end.

In the hot dry season, the depth here is about knee-deep, if it rains, the water can rise to the train. And if the precipitation was heavy, you will have to refuse to walk along the bottom of the gorge. When you go on a guided tour, be prepared to pay a small environmental fee.

Bring comfortable clothes - it is best to walk on water in a bathing suit. And remember that a lot of tourists leave trash behind. Therefore, take care of your shoes in advance so as not to step barefoot on the broken glass. After the walk, you can go to the cafe - it is located next to the bridge - and have a bite to eat.

In addition, there are other attractions nearby, such as the Turkish Fortress. Tourists who want to fully enjoy this picturesque place come here with a tent and spend 2-3 days here. During this time, you can explore the surroundings, admire the sunsets and sunrises, and walk along the canyon several times.

These are the most beautiful places in Abkhazia. And if you come to the “land of the soul”, try to visit, if not all, then at least most of them. Guided tours are offered everywhere.

The most beautiful places of Abkhazia on the map


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