Volgograd region - war monuments, chalk mountains and fishing


A large area in the lower reaches of the Volga plays an important strategic role. The rivers flowing along it look like a real crossroads of blue roads. They lead to the White, Baltic, Caspian, Black and Azov Seas, and connect the Northern regions of Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus and the countries of Central Asia. People come here to visit war memorials, go fishing and see unique natural monuments.


The Volgograd Region is located 1000 km south-east of Moscow. The Black and Azov seas are nearby, and they have a huge impact on the local climate. The region is characterized by little snow and short winters. Due to the flat relief, cold air from the continent easily penetrates into the Volgograd region, and the temperature drops to -10 ... -11 ° С.

Museum-reserve "Battle of Stalingrad" in Volgograd

Spring starts early. In March it is already warm, and primroses are blooming with might and main. Summers can be hot. In terms of the abundance of sun, the region is in no way inferior to the famous resorts Crimea... When the winds bring hot air from the Kazakh steppes, the thermometer rises + 39 ... + 45 ° С.

Autumn is warm and long lasting. The first snow falls only at the beginning of December. There is not much rainfall during the year. In the Trans-Volga region, only 270-300 mm, and in the north-west of the region - up to 400-500 mm.


Church in the Museum "Old Sarepta"

There are many museums in the Volgograd region, and the most interesting collections are kept in the regional center. Volgograd residents joke that the museum business in the city began with a cap and cane, which were presented to local residents by the Russian Tsar Peter I. It is noteworthy that unusual royal gifts are still kept in the city hall.

Where should you go first of all? Those who are interested in history should visit the local history museum. It has existed for more than a hundred years and is located in a three-story building of the former zemstvo council, on Lenin Street, 7.

Mamayev Kurgan. View of the monument "Motherland Calls!" and the sculpture "Stand to the Death"

In the second half of the 18th century, by order of Empress Catherine II, the first colony of foreign settlers was founded, who came to Russia from different European countries, mainly from Of Germany... An unusual museum "Old Sarepta", which is located on Izobilnaya Street, 10, is dedicated to its history and cultural heritage. The museum has a library with rare books in German.

On the right bank of the Volga, in the central district of the city, there is a well-known far beyond Volgograd Mamayev Kurgan... Today it is a place of mourning for those who died during the Great Patriotic War. The memorial complex of giant sculptures is dedicated to the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad. In 2008, Mamaev Kurgan was recognized as one of the seven wonders of Russia.

Volgograd Memorial and Historical Museum

A lot of tourists come to the Memorial Historical Museum dedicated to the distant events of the Civil War. It is located in a red-brick merchant's mansion at 10 Gogol Street.

To look at the famous panorama of the Battle of Stalingrad, you need to go to Marshal Chuikov Street, 47. In addition to a huge painting, the military museum displays samples of weapons and equipment from the Second World War, personal belongings of soldiers and officers, letters from the front and battle banners.

View of the building of the panorama museum "Battle of Stalingrad"

Since the 1960s, at 21 Lenin Avenue, the Museum of Fine Arts has been opened. Its halls display works by Volgograd artists and sculptors, works by European painters and a collection of works by the artist Ilya Ivanovich Mashkov, whose name the museum bears. In recent years, new collections have been opened in the regional center - the Museum of Weights and Measures (Aviatorov highway, 11A) and the Museum of Photo-Cinema and Photo Art (Kuznetskaya Street, 73A).

There are local history museums in the cities of Nikolaevsk, Volzhsky, Kalach-on-Don, Mikhailovka, Frolovo, Dubovka, Kamyshin, Leninsk Uryupinsk, Pallasovka, in the village of Alekseevskaya, in the villages of Danilovka and Elan. Museums dedicated to the Don Cossacks are open in the village of Ilovlya, the village of Kletskaya and the city of Serafimovich.

View of the entrance to the Volgograd Museum of Fine Arts. I.I. Mashkova


The Volgograd region is one of the regions of our country where you can enjoy high-quality fishing and get a guaranteed big catch. Fishermen with spinning rods, donks and fillers can be found on almost all rivers and reservoirs.

The environs of Krasnoslobodsk, the villages of Pokrovka, Leshchev, Barbashi and Gromki are considered catching places on the Volga. Carp, pike, chub, perch and asp peck quite well here. They actively fish in the upper reach of the Tsimlyansk reservoir, near the Sarpinsky island, on sand spits and river pits below the regional center and along the shores of the spacious Volgograd reservoir.

Volzhskaya HPP

On Akhtuba, among fishermen, the farms of Tsarev and Solodovka are known, and on Khopr, the vicinity of the village of Tishanka and the Buzuluk river. There are many crayfish in local waters. However, catching them is allowed only in autumn.

On the Don River, within the boundaries of the region, they catch catfish, carp, bream, goldfish, pike perch and silver bream, which the locals call "zobans" and "kalinka". Biting is especially active in the first half of summer.

Natural parks and reserves

Lake Elton

On the territory of the region there are about 40 unique natural areas that have a special protected status. About fifty more natural sites are waiting in line to be included in this list.

What places attract tourists the most? Many travelers come to the north of the region to see the unique hilly landscape of the Shcherbakovsky natural park. Here, upland oak forests are combined with rocky cliffs, and karst fields with virgin steppes overgrown with grass. Urakov hillock, rocky formations Shcherbakovskaya gully and Stolbichi are of particular value.

Stolbichi on the banks of the Volga

In the thickets of bushes and forests, you can find herds of wild boars and roe deer, elks and European deer. Over the open spaces where bobak marmots live, birds of prey soar - the burial eagle, the white-tailed eagle and the great spotted eagle. Tourists who come to "Shcherbakovsky" stop in tents and cook food on the fire.

The natural park in the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain attracts lovers of small lakes, eriks, floodplain meadows and oak forests like a magnet. From Volgograd, the road to the park takes only an hour, so on weekends, residents of the regional center and the neighboring city of Volzhsky are selected for nature.

View of the chalk mountains in the natural park "Donskoy"

People come to Akhtuba to see a blooming lake of pink lotuses and to observe birds living near the water - yellow herons, white storks, gulls and waders. Unlike other protected areas, about 33 thousand people permanently live and farm in this park.

The natural park "Donskoy" is known for the largest chalk mountains in Europe, the purest springs with cold water and an ethnographic museum dedicated to the history and life of the Cossacks. People go to Eltonsky to look at the Elton salt lake, the unique Ulagan salt mountain and the abandoned village of salt miners. In April, bright tulips bloom in large quantities in the steppe.

Monument "Union of Fronts" in Pyatimorsk, dedicated to the meeting of the troops of the Southwestern and Stalingrad fronts

Fans of archeology are longtime patrons of the Ust-Medveditsky park, which is spread over an area of ​​more than 50 thousand hectares. On the banks of the rivers flowing here, many mounds and camps of nomads of the Bronze Age were found. Animal lovers like the Tsimlyansk Sands Park, where herds of wild horses - mustangs graze freely.

The territory of the Nizhnepekhorsky park is often called an open-air museum. There are floodplain forests with trees that are more than four hundred years old. In the most beautiful Shaki oak forest, you can see the amazing spring "Boiling Well".

Ust-Medveditsky Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery near the town of Serafimovich

When planning a trip to any of the protected areas of the Volgograd region, it should be borne in mind that hunting and fishing are prohibited there. You can set up tents and make fires only in specially designated areas.


What do tourists take away as a keepsake on a trip to the Volgograd region? Many travelers buy miniature copies of the famous monument on the Mamayev Kurgan and things with military symbols. They are sold in souvenir shops on the territory of the memorial and in city kiosks.

War Memorial Cemetery in Rossoshki

Women willingly take light and warm downy shawls from skilled Uryupa craftswomen. Practical and sturdy products keep you warm in cold weather and look very beautiful.

The Volga city has the unspoken status of the Russian capital of mustard oil, and tourists are happy to buy bottles of oil from the seeds of Sarepta mustard. They are sold in any grocery store in Volgograd.

Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Volgograd

Those with a sweet tooth always bring home chocolates, caramel and marshmallows from the Konfip factory. Boxes with photographs of Volgograd sights are especially popular. As tasty souvenirs, tourists take home sweet and juicy Volgograd watermelons, delicate watermelon honey, as well as dried and smoked fish.

Volgograd region on the map

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